Bernard Sellam & the Boyz from the Hood *Feelin’ so fine* Feelin’ so fine-Absilone-2023
Bernard Sellam & the Boyz from the Hood *I hate monday* Feelin’ so fine-Absilone-2023
Lee O’Nell Blues Gang *O gimme faith* Single-Autoprod.-2024
Seth Lee Jones *110* Tulsa Custom-Horton rec.-2024
Seth Lee Jones *Good dog* Tulsa Custom-Horton rec.-2024
Blues Pills *Don’t you love it* Birthday-Nuclear blast-2024
Blues Pills *Birthday* Birthday-Nuclear blast-2024
Albert Castiglia *You can’t juge a book by the cover* Righteous Souls-Gulf coast rec.-2024
Albert Castiglia *The dollar done fell* Righteous Souls-Gulf coast rec.-2024
Kat Eaton *Bad advice* Honestly-Reason & rhyme rec.-2024
King King *I will not fall* Maverick-Channel 9 music-2020
Shawn Kellerman *SKB* Kell’s kitchen-Autoprod.-2024
Shawn Kellerman *Show me what you got* Kell’s kitchen-Autoprod.-2024
Bette Smith *Goodthing* Goodthing-Kartel music group-2024
Bette Smith *Cave* Goodthing-Kartel music group-2024
Johnny Ray Jones *Devil woman* Mystic chiefs-Moondogg rec.-2024
Blues Eaters & the Hot Jivin’ Horns *Wandering soul* The Hot Jivin’ Sessions-Autoprod.-2024