Kid Colling Cartel *Cold blooded* Living on the wild side-Rock & Hall-2024
Kid Colling Cartel *Living on the wild side* Living on the wild side-Rock & Hall-2024
Pacôme Rotondo *Sleep with the devil* World of confusion-Rock & Hall-2023
Pacôme Rotondo *Love means life* World of confusion-Rock & Hall-2023
The String Breakers *Weird time* Soul me up-2023
The String Breakers *If your ready* Soul me up-2023
Chris Beard *Big girl* Pass it on down-Blue heart rec.-2023
Chris Beard *Who do you think you’re foolin’* Pass it on down-Blue heart rec.-2023
Evan Nicole Bell *Catfish blues* Runaway girl-Naked/Donor-2024
Mich Ryder *Star nomore* The roof is on fire-Ruf rec.-2024
Machine Kult *Baby please don’t go* Live
Jontavious Willis *Low down ways* Spectacular class
Jontavious Willis *The world is in a Tangle* Live
Little G Weevil *Tribal affairs* If I may...-Autoprod.-2023
Dr Sugar *Good bye baby* These words-Rock & Hall-2023
Eric Johanson *Gets me high* The deep and the dirty-Ruf rec.-2023
Ally Venable *Don’t lose me* Real gone-Ruf rec.-2023
Tio Manuel *Assassination Machine* Ocho!-El Tio/La Fugitive-2023
Soulful femme *Can’t get there from here* Attitude-Skydogstudios-2023