Big Dave *Pretty lil' thing* Tellin'you-Naked prod.-2004
Boogie Beasts *Mine all mine* single
Fred & the Healers *Lovers boogie* Hammerbeatmatic-Blues boulevard rec.-2014
Black Cat Joe & Miss Corina *Le’ts go out tonight* An evening with-Autoprod.-2015
Eliana Cargnelutti *I’m a woman* Electric woman-Ruf rec.-2015
Matt Pearce *Scarecrowing* live
Leadfoot Rivet *Between a woman and a man* Greyboy blues-Dixiefrog-2007
Fred Chapellier *Marie Laveau* Best of 25 years on the road-Dixiefrog-2020
Charlie Bedford *Money junkie* Good to go-Blue heart rec.-2020
Charlie Bedford *Enemy* Good to go-Blue heart rec.-2020
Charlie Bedford *Steady driver man* Good to go-Blue heart rec.-2020
Scott Weis band *All over again* Simmer me down-Autoprod.-2020
Scott Weis band *Jesus just left Chicago* Simmer me down-Autoprod.-2020
Scott Weis band *Right where it belongs* Simmer me down-Autoprod.-2020
Golden Gasoline *Misunderstood* Looking for trouble-Asso freeze-2020
Golden Gasoline *Looking for trouble* Looking for trouble-Asso freeze-2020
Vanja Sky *Rock’n rolla train* Woman named trouble-Ruf rec.-2020
Vanja Sky *Voodoo mama* Woman named trouble-Ruf rec.-2020
Vanja Sky *Trouble maker* Woman named trouble-Ruf rec.-2020
Vanja Sky *Oh well* Woman named trouble-Ruf rec.-2020