Big Dave *Pretty lil' thing*Tellin'you- Naked prod. 2004
Meena Cryle & Chris Filmore band *Enough is enough* Live on tour 2017
Meena Cryle & Chris Filmore band *Ti Na Nee Na Nu* Live on tour 2017
John Nemeth *Fuel for your fire* Love me tonight 2009
John Nemeth *Love gone crazy* Love me tonight 2009
Kirk Fletcher *Funny bone* Live in Massy 2017
Eugene Hideway Bridges *It’s gotta be the last time* Rock and a hard place 2011
Eugene Hideway Bridges *B.B.* Rock and a hard place 2011
Zac Harmon *Scratch* From the root 2009
Zac Harmon *Keep the blues alive* From the root 2009
Ronan one man band *Going down south* Live
Magic Sam blues band *Keep loving me baby* Black magic
Otis Rush *Please love me* Lost blues 1977
Little Walter -Blues with a feeling* The essential 1993
Luther Allison *Feeling so good* Standing at the crossroad 1977
Andrew Big Voice Odom *Fell so good* Feel so good 1993
Larry Garner *Live a little* You need to live a little 1994